Ruichang Honor International Hotel

51 holiday activities to enjoy...

Time: 2023-09-27 14:40:17
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Summary:If it is the alarm clock on May Day, you may wish to use "We Workers Have Power". On Labor Day, of course, there must be a ceremonial beginning.

Set an alarm for 12 noon.

Or simply set the alarm clock and sleep as long as you want.

If it is the alarm clock on May Day, you may wish to use "We Workers Have Power". On Labor Day, of course, there must be a ceremonial beginning.


Empty, in a daze, distracted, out-of-body, listening to the birds in the community.


Say "I love you" to the person around you, or a cat, or a plant.

Use all the language you know to express love - "Ye Dai Lu", "Auntie Xi leads the way", "Salang hey"!

Or "The moonlight is so beautiful tonight" "Today's clouds are so beautiful, like the marshmallow you ate with" ...

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No.1 South Ring Road East, Ruichang City, Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province, China
