Ruichang Honor International Hotel

Ruichang Honor International Hotel successfully introduced the management system of Seven Diligence Law

Time: 2023-09-27 14:46:43
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Summary:On June 17th, the on-site management acceptance summary meeting of "Seven Diligence" of Ruijin Honor International Hotel was successfully held.

On June 17th, the on-site management acceptance summary meeting of "Seven Diligence" of Ruijin Honor International Hotel was successfully held. Representatives of relevant units of Ruijin City Cultural and Guangxin Tourism Bureau, Ruijin Market Supervision and Administration Bureau, Ruijin Comprehensive Health Supervision and Law Enforcement Bureau, Hu Manrong, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors and President of Kitchen Administration of Honor International Group, Hu Zeliang, Director of Honor International Group, member of the "Seven Diligences" team of the Group, counselor Hu Zeliang, Deputy General Manager of the Hotel Business Department of Honor International Group, member of the Group's "Seven Diligences" team, counselor Lei Yunqian and all hotel staff attended the meeting.

At the meeting, the general manager of the hotel reported on the introduction of "seven diligence" management. The heads of the Chinese Kitchen Department, Chinese Restaurant Department and Housekeeping Department shared their practices and experiences on how to introduce the "Seven Diligences" management process mechanism. Hu Manrong, vice chairman of the board of directors and president of Kitchen Administration of Honor Group, said that today's successful acceptance is not the end of the "seven diligences" work, but the beginning of the normalization of the "seven diligences" work, from this moment on, Ruijin Honor International Hotel is no longer only representing Ruijin honor, but also represents the "honor seven diligence standard landing" executor, escort, representing the "Ruijin hotel industry standardized management" new beacon. In the future, the kitchen of Ruijin Honor International Hotel will be opened to the public regularly for everyone to visit. It is hoped that Ruijin Honor, as the first "Honor Seven Diligence Model Store" in Ruijin area, can insist on setting an example by example, and continue to effectively implement the hotel's "Seven Diligence Law" management measures. On behalf of the management unit, the Municipal Bureau of Culture, Guangxin Tourism warmly congratulated Ruijin Honor International Hotel on successfully meeting the requirements of "Seven Diligence" management. The "Seven Diligences" management method is not only feasible in honor, but can be popularized and applied in the whole industry. Since its opening in January 2020, the hotel has improved Ruijin's tourism reception capacity, made up for the shortcomings of tourism elements, especially hosted many large-scale events and conferences, each time was very successful, won a good reputation, won glory and color for Ruijin tourism, and also played a great role in promoting and promoting the development of Ruijin tourism industry. "Seven Diligence" management is an advanced management method and theoretical system of the hotel industry pioneered by Honor International Group. On June 17th, Ruijin Honor International Hotel successfully passed the inspection and acceptance, becoming the "Seven Diligence Model Store" of Honor International Group Hotel Management, and the first hotel in Jiangxi Province to implement the "Seven Diligence Management". Ruijin Honor upgraded its management during the epidemic and gradually realized the service process, operation standardization and management system. Prepare for safe and healthy catering for consumers in the post-epidemic era. The "Seven Diligence Management Law" includes seven contents: diligent classification, diligent sorting, diligent cleaning, diligent maintenance, diligent standardization, diligent inspection, and diligent education. The purpose is to maintain hotel food safety and environmental hygiene, improve the quality of dishes, improve the quality and work efficiency of employees, create a comfortable, safe and secure dining environment, and realize the maximum value of customers, enterprises and employees. It is reported that Ruijin Honor chose to carry out the "Seven Diligence Management Method" course training at the beginning of its opening in 2020, and officially introduced it in April this year, and carried out standardized transformation according to the model rooms of Chinese and Western kitchens, and completed the transformation of Seven Diligence Management in mid-June this year. Since last year, the pandemic has dealt a huge blow to the tourism industry, especially in luxury hotels like the complex. Ruijin Honor did not resign itself to fate when its business was seriously affected by the epidemic. In order to go further in the future, calm down and think about how to practice internal strength. Now during the epidemic, including the post-epidemic era, I believe that consumers will not only pay attention to the question of whether it is good or not, but also pay more attention to the problem of whether they can eat at ease. Before the implementation of the "Seven Diligence Management Law", Ruijin Honor did not standardize the classification of items, the job responsibilities were not clear enough, and the people, things, and things could not be specifically corresponded. After the implementation of the "Seven Diligence Law", on-site item search is more convenient, which not only saves time and costs, but also improves work efficiency. In addition, the responsibility for areas and equipment is assigned to individuals, and the management efficiency of the hotel is improved. Among them, knife disinfection, tableware classification, cutting board cooked food, raw food classification and use, refrigerator storage items classified and placed, box service process. All implementation standards are clearly regulated and recorded in real time. From the banquet hall to the back kitchen of the hotel, from corner hygiene to the sorting of goods, from private room service to specific management, the "Seven Diligence Management Law" of Ruijin Honor International Hotel is not only about logistics hygiene, but also about the overall management system of the hotel. Only not long after the introduction of the "Seven Diligence Management Law", Ruijin Honor has gained a lot. First, cost reduction. Through scientific management, energy consumption and management costs are reasonably and effectively controlled; The second is the reduction of warehouse inventory, which effectively releases the funds of inventory; The third is the saving of space, which effectively uses walls, countertops, shelves, etc., frees up space and beautifies the environment. If the "seven diligence management" is placed on business, it may not directly bring a large flow of customers, but as long as it is persisted in the long term, it will definitely have unexpected effects, and the most direct short-term effect can be seen in terms of cost and inventory savings. During the epidemic, Ruijin Honor has increasingly seen the importance of food safety, the people take food as the sky, food safety first, and the hotel puts safety first. Take advantage of the light business period of the epidemic to improve food safety again and provide a better food safety environment for all consumers. Scientific management methods for the future operation of the hotel will be of great help, "seven diligence management method" will become the development of honor international group in the long-term management method, "honor" is the national hotel chain well-known brand, although still young, but has been learning and growing, believe that honor people will be able to "seven diligence" acceptance as a new starting point, scientific management, pioneering and forging ahead, to create a higher honor and greater benefits belonging to Ruijin Honor International Hotel. Before the meeting, the specially invited leaders and guests also observed the hotel.

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No.1 South Ring Road East, Ruichang City, Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province, China
